If you think you, your child, or your employee has dyslexia, a screening test will provide a profile of strengths and weaknesses and will give an indication of possible dyslexic difficulties. This may be sufficient for you, but will not provide a diagnosis and will not be suitable for DSA or EHCP purposes. Following the screening test, a short report will be provided.
In most cases, a full diagnostic assessment is recommended, which provides a detailed profile of strengths and weaknesses and can confirm dyslexia. The tests administered assess underlying ability, attainment in reading, spelling and writing and underlying cognitive processing skills such as phonological processing and working memory. The assessment takes approximately three hours. Following the assessment, a detailed report is written which includes recommendations.
If you have any questions about either screening tests or full diagnostic assessments, please don't hesitate to ask.
Full Diagnostic Face-to-Face Assessments
Full Diagnostic Remote Assessments
Exam Access Arrangement Assessments
Disabled Student's Allowance (DSA) Assessments
Workplace Needs Assessments
The Professional Choice For Dyslexia Assessments In Surrey, West Sussex and Mid-Sussex